Richard Barrett
Trombone, Euphonium, Baritone, Tenor Horn
Stockport, Manchester, UK
Volunteer Tutor
I’ve had 50 years of fun and friendship since I had my first free brass lesson at school. Other people should have the same opportunity too. My family could not afford brass lessons or an instrument, so the free support from my school was essential in getting started. Sadly, this support is not always available to people and that’s why I want to support Lee’s fantastic idea.
I started playing in brass bands in my early teens, took a 20-year rest from brass and returned to playing about 20 years ago with my children. I play in a soul band, a jazz band and help out my friends in the Ashton on Mersey Showband from time to time.
I am a qualified, retired, teacher (Business Studies!), so I have not done 1-1 lessons like this for brass before but know enough to get you started and off to a reasonable standard.
The Details
Willing to do a lesson a week for someone.
I can help you learn one of these:
- Trombone (My favourite!)
- Tenor Horn
- Baritone (What I started on)
- Euphonium (What I progressed to before sliding into trombone – see what I did there?)
If you are willing to have a go and could not otherwise afford lessons from a teacher you are eligible for this if you have support at home. I’m willing to teach anyone eight years old or above. If you can afford lessons but just want to save some money for something else you think is more important please don’t take this opportunity from somebody who doesn’t have that choice and thinks this is important.
I will come to your house for the weekly lesson, for no charge at all. If you are under 18 years old then someone over 18 years old should also be present all the time, ideally your parent, guardian or carer.
Length of Lesson
25-30 minutes a week
I have Disclosure and Barring Service Clearance (DBS ID P00006KFPBG). If you are under 18 then someone over 18 years old should also be present all the time.
Your Commitment
You should be willing to have at least four lessons (I found my first few lessons hard but stayed with it, and here we are 50 years later …… ).
You should be willing to practice for a few minutes each day in between lessons. You should have access to an instrument although I can offer advice on finding a cheap one to buy or rent.